You Know You're a Gardener When...

There are a few surefire signs that you are a serious gardener. Perhaps your garden is neater than your home? Or maybe you spend more money on mulch in a week than you do on a month of groceries. Don’t shy from your love for flora and fauna! Tell the world about your plant-loving ways!

We asked fans of Craftsy’s Facebook Gardening Club to fill in the blank:

Fill in the blank: You know you're a gardener when...

See our favorite responses below!

Bring on the flower power and showcase your love for Mother Nature with 4 sharable “You know you’re a gardener when…” quotes. 

You know you're a gardener when you're found weeding the local park You know you're a gardener when dirt under your nails replaces a french manicure

You know you're a gardener when you version of "selfies" are pictures of your plants

You know you're a gardener when everything you see becomes a planter

Share tips, start a discussion or ask one of our experts or other students a question.

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