Craftsy Premium: The Best Pie Crust Dough

Master pastry chef Colette Christian shares the best pie making techniques just in time for the holidays.


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376 Responses to “Craftsy Premium: The Best Pie Crust Dough”

  1. Dalene Kitslaar

    This class was great and so fun. I hosted my neighbor, who also enjoys Craftsy to join me. Fabulous results! Loved the chemistry behind pie dough making.wish I could send photos.

  2. Dalene Kitslaar

    I am a premium member and was able to view the first half of this class but not able able to find the class to finish viewing. I am requesting access.

  3. Crystal Flory

    What an amazing class! I’ve been baking pie crusts for years and feel like a whole new world has been opened : )

  4. Judie Gade

    Always looking to learn something new for my pie baking repertoire!

  5. Patricia

    So glad I tuned in. Excellent class!! Can’t wait to bake my next pie. I feel I have learned the right techniques that will lead to success.

  6. Deb Pentek

    This was a fantastic Craftsy Premium Live event! I love the tips of adding apple cider vinegar and cooking directly on a baking sheet. Thank you Colette – you are a great teacher!

  7. Jane

    This was a excellent webinar! Thank you so much! I am 72, made pies forever and my crusts were flaky however I learned a lot from Chef Colette. I have a question for her. I would like to make12 crusts at once and freeze them. What is the best recipe or way to do this please?
    Thank you. Jane

  8. Cristina Smith

    Suggestion: Sounds like you have already done something on smaller French pastries. You might want to include smaller size American style pie, muffins, cookies, Danish.
    The smaller size would be good in a little gift baskets, are easier to mail, and good for smaller appetites and smaller households.

  9. Annette

    I made four crusts with this method/ingredients. It’s definitely a keeper and now my favorite! Thank you Colette! You are an excellent instructor!

  10. Thread

    Thanks a lot for sharing all the techniques, and I learned how a pie dough differs from the bread dough.And all essential techniques. And Thanks for so much hardwork, in making us understand.Thread.

  11. Lisa Walker

    This was such a wonderful class! I’ve been making pies for years but received so many tips all in this one place! Thank you!

  12. amronmig17106192

    Colette thank you so much, as usual, your class is full of wonderful tips and lots of useful information. The heated baking sheet and apple cider vinegar tips are very interesting. You make it look so easy.

  13. Patty Gardner

    Thank you so much for this class. I learned so much. When I was younger and my children were small I could bake a lovely crust, but as I’ve gotten older, and haven’t been baking pies like I used to, I’ve forgotten how to do it. The last couple of attempts have been so bad, I hesitate to make anything with a crust. Watching your demonstration has given me the desire to give it another try. So, thank you again.

  14. Karen Wilson

    How did you fold the top edge? I couldn’t tell what you were doing but it looks like the pie edge is now about 1/2 higher then the edge of the pie plate.

  15. peggy Novak

    Thank you. I learned so much! I had never heard about Apple Cider vinegar before. I can’t wait yo try. Thanks for a wonderful class.

  16. Shelley Aven

    So where is the class? It’s 3:00 Pacific time and there’s no class, just a bunch of people asking questions?

  17. ELLEN

    Thank you so much Colette for this very informative class. You discussed many things I heard in my early years from my Mom & Grandma, but you took the time to explain them and I now understand why they did what they did when baking; makes much more sense (particularly the use of salted butter vs. unsalted butter which I never heard before). Looking forward to viewing some of your classes.

  18. ANGEL

    I had to leave before podcast finished. Missed the rollout and baking tip. Will there be a chance to view this again? If not may I get the baking tip?

  19. Margaret Severson

    I have a gas range and oven. Do I need to adjust temperatures or racks to get good results and golden brown crust?

  20. Annette

    How perfect was that?! Thank you so much for presenting such an instructional video! I’ve learned so much from you. Grateful baker here.

  21. Evanston

    thanks for the lemon juice tip just in case I do not have apple cider vinegar. Do you specifically think using a cold stainless steel bowl is better than maybe glass or plastic.

  22. Louise OGara

    Thanks so much for this demo. I’ll be making my first ever pie for Thanksgiving and this definitely helps. I’ve taken several of your classes and have enjoyed all of them.

  23. Brenda Moreland

    Wonderful class. Making pie crust has always been scary but I think I can do it now. Thanks

  24. Mariglee

    Thank you…..this was SO good! Such great info that I am now inspired to make my first pie ever!


    That was a great demo. Did someone already ask if it will be posted for future reference?

  26. Darren Sabo

    Thank you so much for this class demo Colette! Happy Holidays to You! -Darren from Los Angeles

  27. Jill Baccante

    When baking a double crust fruit pie, the top crust bakes and tents above the fruit filling, can I avoid this?

  28. Lawrie Williams

    Would you talk about using clear gel and instant clear gel vs any other typical fruit pie thickeners like tapioca, or flour, or cornstarch.

  29. Maureen De Baene

    I made a butter and shortening pie crust for a pumpkin pie and found the crust went gooey. Would putting it on the baking sheet prevent this?

  30. Kathy

    Is there a particular flour brand or flour protein content that you find makes a better crust?

  31. Lawrie Williams

    When you prebake bottom crust to keep it from being gummy from a fruit filling, do you ever brush with an egg wash to seal it?

  32. Jd94133

    No question, just want to let you know I have all of your classes and love them. You are a fantastic teacher! Thank you for teaching me to much! Julie

  33. Ohsewchallenged

    Could you cut in the fats with the dry and freeze all that and just add the water when ready to make the pie crust to make it last longer in the freezer?

  34. Pamela Grossman

    Hi from Texas! How do you know how long and the correct temperature for baking? Does the filling determine that?

  35. Sandra Horvath

    Thanks for the tips. Even as a long time baker I was able to learn a few new things to improve my baking. Good job!

  36. Sheila Hansen

    what about docking the dough before baking? or using baking weights? for blind baking

  37. Monica

    I have a southern background where they use solid vegetable oil, Crisco, only and no butter for pie crusts. What techniques do you suggest when using only vegetable oil/

  38. Lydia Shemain

    Colette’s my favourite baker. Own many of her Craftsy’s Courses. She is fantastic.

  39. lynzeep16671726

    I totally knew what you were going to say before the Flinstone comment. That is exactly what that looks like.

  40. Silver

    Hey, I am at 12:27 mountain standard time…but evidently MISSED this great class. Better luck next time, I suppose. That’ll teach me to read my email in the MORNING

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